- Name: Stilts
- Character: Giraffe
- Height: 15cm
- Color: Multicolor
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
Flying high over mountains and streams
Fulfilling wishes, hopes and dreams
The stork brings parents bundles of joy
The greatest gift, a girl or boy!
Sku: 1607-36394
Eva is cuddly, soft and pink, covered in purple specks and for all to see. Her purple ears will listen to your dreams and stories while you snuggle. She's ready for a great new friend, take Eva home tonight!
- Name: Eva
- Character: Elephant
- Height: 15cm
- Color: Purple
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
Eva the elephant dreams she can fly
She flaps her big ears to give it a try!
Sku: 1607-36386
My name is Oakie and I wear a mask that makes my face look adorable and my eyes glitter in the sunlight. I'm mostly grey with splashes of white and dark brown to make me extra cute. I'm ready to have some fun adventures with you. Oakie-Dokie?
- Name: Oakie
- Character: Raccoon
- Height: 15cm
- Color: Gray
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
I stick to the shadows
Hiding like I'm a spy
But the moonlight at night
Always lights up my eyes!
Sku: 1607-36375
Noodles is ready to have some fun with you, chasing butterflies in the wind. His curly golden locks are soft and bright, shiny golden eyes seem to say let's go play!
- Name: Noodles
- Character: Golden Doodle Dog
- Height: 15cm
- Color: Brown
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
Noodles is oodles of laughter and fun
He loves to play fetch while out in the sun!
Sku: 1607-36377
I am pink with green and oh so pretty with glittering sparkle eyes. I'll climb high in a tree when I find food to protect my tasty prize. My name is Lainey and I'm a leopard who's soft and cuddly to hold. Come play with me and together we'll make adventures begin to unfold.
- Name: Lainey
- Character: Leopard
- Height: 23cm
- Color: Pink
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
A sweet little leopard, I am so sleek
Don't you love my spots and fur so unique?
Sku: 1607-36476
- Name: Sheldon
- Character: Octopus
- Height: 15cm
- Color: Coral
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
Let's go dig for buried treasure.
At the beach for our own pleasure.
We might find a coin or two.
With some luck maybe a few.
Sku: 1607-36390
- Name: Becca
- Character: Bush Baby
- Height: 15cm
- Color: Pink
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
If I stand up on that chair,
I could reach that golden pear.
I deserve it because I'm cute.
Plus it's also my favorite fruit.
Sku: 1607-36395
Muddles may look dirty. But, as a brown and white plush dog, Muddles is always ready to go with you.
- Name: Muddles
- Character: Splash Dog
- Height: 15cm
- Color: Brown And White
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
Nothing like playing in muddy puddles
Must be why everyone calls me Muddles!
Sku: 1607-36249
I'm a German Shepherd, on me you can depend. A loyal plush dog that will always be your friend. My golden eyes will sparkle whenever you are near. As long as I am with you there's never need to fear. My coat is soft and silky in colors of black and brown. My name is Spirit, I'm a happy pup and fun to be around.
- Name: Spirit
- Character: German Shepherd Dog
- Height: 15cm
- Color: Brown And Black
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
I'm a strong German Shepherd, both smart and bold
With tremendous spirit, and a heart of gold.
Sku: 1607-36309
I am pink with green and oh so pretty with glittering sparkle eyes. I'll climb high in a tree when I find food to protect my tasty prize. My name is Lainey and I'm a leopard who's soft and cuddly to hold. Come play with me and together we'll make adventures begin to unfold.
- Name: Lainey
- Character: Leopard
- Height: 15cm
- Color: Pink
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
A sweet little leopard, I am so sleek
Don't you love my spots and fur so unique?
Sku: 1607-36312
This chatty little kitty cat, wants to be where the fun is at. She would like you along too so maybe she can come home with you.
- Name: Cassidy
- Character: Kitty
- Height: 15cm
- Color: Purple
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
A cat's fur can be as soft as a breeze
Run a brush through mine, and give me a squeeze!
Sku: 1607-36248
Legends and myths all rolled into one, Grindal the dragon is nothing but fun. Along with the folklore of mystical things this dragon's a unicorn with red sparkly wings. He has golden eyes and gold on his chest, he is ready to start an adventurous quest. He has silky soft scales and is black as the night, and his unicorn horn is glittery bright.
- Name: Grindal
- Character: Dragon Unicorn
- Height: 15cm
- Color: Multicolor
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
Bright red-winged, but dark as the night
The moon comes out and I take flight
Sku: 1607-36321
Fiona, the plush pink cat, has glittery feet and ears. They are only outshone by the sparkly necklace she wears. Truly sophisticated, this precious kitty will stand out in a crowd. Take this sweet girl home today.
- Name: Fiona
- Character: Kitty
- Height: 15cm
- Color: Pink
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
A wag of my tail and a soft purr
Both signs to cuddle and pet my fur
Sku: 1607-36366
- Name: Avery
- Character: Ostrich
- Height: 40cm
- Color: Pastel
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
Some say that Im cute, some say that Im silly
Im both, but dont forget pretty and frilly!
Sku: 1607-36304
Atlas is a plush fox with aqua zig zag stripes that match her icy blue eyes. She keeps her cool no matter what the weather.
- Name: Atlas
- Character: Fox
- Height: 15cm
- Color: Turquoise
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
I zig and I zag through water and snow
The icy lines in my fur really flow
Sku: 1607-36368
- Name: Heather
- Character: kitten
- Height: 15cm
- Color: Multicolor
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
With one eye gold, the other blue.
They twinkle when I look a you.
I'm the prettiest cat you'll find.
With pastel colors all combined.
Sku: 1607-36250
This little dressed up mouse is ready to dance around the house. Complete with pink sparkled tutu, she's ready to play and hug you-you. Nina is waiting to capture your heart, get her now so you'll never part.
- Name: Nina
- Character: Mouse
- Height: 15cm
- Color: White
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
All day long I like to dance
In my pretty pink tutu - watch me prance!
Sku: 1607-36365
Look on my head, what do you see. It's a horn made of pink, created especially for me. My eyes, they glitter, sparkly pink, when they made me, they made me unique. My name is Asher, I'm the prettiest Caticorn, you'll ever meet.
- Name: Asher
- Character: Unicorn Kitten
- Height: 15cm
- Color: White and Gray
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
I'm like any other cuddly cat.
Well, except for my horn - there is that!
Sku: 1607-36306
- Name: Pandora
- Character: Kitten With Halloween Hat
- Height: 15cm
- Color: Black
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
Do you like my witches hat?
You'll never see a cat like that!
Sku: 1607-36235
Binky spends a lot of time in trees, in the forest canopy and loves to sleep during the day. It's easy for me to hide since I'm tiny and move really fast. Big saucer-like eyes help me see at night. Big ears help me track insects in the dark and they are foldable when I want peace and quiet.
- Name: Turbo
- Character: Turtle
- Height: 8.5cm
- Color: Green
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
I may walk slow but my mind is quite quick.
I'd like to go with you on a picnic.
Bring an umbrella in case it should rain.
I have my shell so that's where I'll remain.
Sku: 1607-35250
Livvie is a fast leopard and usually likes to be alone. During the day she likes to sleep, hiding up in trees or on the ground at home. What makes this cat special is she's sprinkled with pink on her ears, eyes and nose. Take home Livvie today, she's sure to keep you on your toes.
- Name: Livvie
- Character: Leopard
- Height: 8.5cm
- Color: Brown And Pink
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
I'm on the prowl for a friend just like you
Side by side, there is nothing we can't do!
Sku: 1607-35248
- Name: Asia
- Character: Tiger
- Height: 15cm
- Color: White
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
Just call my name and I'll come in a wink.
Then you'll see my white fur and my eyes that are pink.
Sku: 1607-36180
Phoenix the plush fox is quick to outwit. Bring him home on your bed he will sit.
- Name: Phoenix
- Character: Fox
- Height: 15cm
- Color: White
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
I come from the desert, where it is warm
My ears may be huge, but so is my charm!
Sku: 1607-36225
- Name: Stilts
- Character: Giraffe
- Height: 8.5cm
- Color: Multicolor
- TY Category: Beanie Boos
Flying high over mountains and streams
Fulfilling wishes, hopes and dreams
The stork brings parents bundles of joy
The greatest gift, a girl or boy!
Sku: 1607-35257